Thursday, 25 September 2008

From Pillowcase to Shower Cap and Make-up Bags!

Shower Cap sew make showercap Breast Cancer Awareness Fabric

Recently there was a pillowcase challenge over at Craft's Beautiful that I entered. I found a lovely pillowcase in a thrift shop made from Breast cancer awareness fabric.
I fell in love with the fabric as soon as I saw it and then immediately knew what I wanted to make.

Pillowcase sew shower cap make showercap

There has been so much going on here recently that I missed the deadline, only to find out it had been extended. Thankfully I just managed to get my entry finished in time. I will not be looking at pillowcases the same again! LOL I even have a small amount of fabric left over!

So here is my new waterproof shower cap....

Shower Cap sew make showercap Breast Cancer Awareness Fabric

and the matching lined make-up bags

make-up bag make up sew toiletry pouch Breast Cancer Awareness Fabric

make-up bag make up sew toiletry pouch Breast Cancer Awareness Fabric

You can find my directions/tutorial for the shower cap here.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful bunch of cute items created from a thrift store pillowcase. The shower cap tutorial is very good and I love all your creations.


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