Monday, 31 August 2009

Typing, Typing, Typing and Nothing to Do with Sewing or Crafts! LOL

Just to let you all in on a little secret - I am learning to type properly by using the right fingers on the correct keys! I am hoping it will save me time and help me with my blogging.

I did learn the basics back in high school and that has been enough to get me by most of the time but I tend to lazy type. Usually I type though mostly looking at the keyboard, then the screen and also using the wrong fingers for the keys. Sound familiar?????? The only drawback this way has been that any typing I do seems to take forever.

I started thinking that I would benefit by online so that I can work at it in my own time. I have just started using the free online typing tutor on Typing Web. It has already made a huge difference! I won't tell you how many words I started out typing, but lets say I am now at typing so much faster and with a far better accuracy than what I began with.LOL So if you would like to improve your typing/keyboard skills with different exercises and tests go and have a look. If you register they will store all your results as you learn and practice so you can see how you improve.

Anyway I am off to practice some more typing exercises........I will be back to show you some more of my latest creations soon.



  1. cool, I can touch type so I take it for granted when someone isn't good at typing. My older sister is bad at typing so thanks for the link!

  2. Well done for learning to type properly, I must go check out the site. Thanks for the link

    Jackie x


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