Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Valentine's Day Baking - Double Chocolate Heart Cupcakes

Sewdelish Valentine's Day Baking Chocolate Heart Cupcakes

Here are some yummy double chocolate heart cupcakes dd and I made and then decorated with delicious pink icing.

We cheated and used a chocolate cake packet mix for the cakes and added a good handful of chopped chocolate pieces and choc chips before spooning the mix into the heart shaped baking mould.

Sewdelish Valentine's Day Baking Chocolate Heart Cupcakes

The icing is made from butter, icing sugar with a tiny splash of milk and a few drops of food colouring. The cupcakes were then sprinkled with some heart shaped cake decorations.

I don't think these will be making it to Valentine's Day, LOL so thankfully they are quick and easy to make.

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